Monday, August 9, 2010


I have been transformed. I used to be a shy little thing, worried about my actions and their consequences. No longer will I think about reaping what I sow. No longer will I be kept down by the man. I am liberated and I have found a way to express myself. Furthermore, I will never regret my Sailor Moon tattoo and right above my bumper was the perfect place. It is the epitome of tasteful.


  1. Were you sober when this occurred? I'm told that heavy drinking can lead to these kinds of violent inclination. And if so, more power to you, Greenie!

  2. Sailor Moon is so awesome! You should get a Mercury tat on one of your headlights!

  3. Right above the bumper? What does that signify to other cars? Greenie: What has happened?

  4. Is it still called a tramp stamp if you are a car?
